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The Eulogy For Br. Stewart-Germain Sparling


Life Professed.   Sept 8, 1941 / February 9,2015


Br. Stewart-Germain Sparling


We Live, We Love, we Move and have our being in Christ the Lord. No one knew the meaning of those words better than Br. Germain,


throughout his lifetime. The name Germain means “Brother” and he understood totally what it meant to be Brother to his sister Alice and


his brothers from birth.  However Germain had a calling that went well beyond his familial bonds and ties. He had a yet larger family-His


brothers in this fraternity of San Damiano. He was present to them, loved them and served them.  Germain imitated the words of the


prophet Micah, when he made his best effort to walk humbly, act justly and to love tenderly. Germain demonstrated this over and over


in his life to the residents at the Bishop Broderick Apartments-yet another family of his to  whom he ministered and cared for almost


daily. They loved him in return and took good care of him. Germain loved and live the Gospel in his life. He took his promises as a


Lifetime professed member of this community with great devotion, and Gratitude to almighty God for all that had been done for him. He


Formed relationships with so many of the brothers being present to Them  and doing what St. Francis requires of all Franciscans-to preach


Gospel and using as few words as possible. Germain did this with total Surrender to the Lord.  Germain knew he would never have total


Happiness and peace in this world because the peace and the Happiness he longed for can only be found in God. Some people make


The mistake of resorting to the things of this world to find happiness But they will never be happy if they do not look for happiness in God.


ST. Augustine said it best saying “You have made us For Yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee. Psalm 63 


Expresses those beautiful sentiments in yet another way: “O God You are my God, for you I long; For you my soul is thirsting.


My Body Pines for you, Like a dry weary land without water. Germain understood the meaning of redemptive suffering. His days


Began and ended at the foot of the cross. Can we all say the same? First Corinthians chapter 13 reminds us that there are only three things


In life that last. They are faith, hope and Love, the greatest of these Being Love. St. John’s tells us that God is Love-it is the only description


Given of God in Scripture. As Franciscans of San Damiano , Germain Learned with each of his brothers that we are called by name by God


and this happened while we were still in the womb. This calling placed the very seal and the breath of God upon our brows.  It would bind


us together in this fraternity. Germain indeed lived a charmed life. He had so many who were part of The tapestry of his life-first his family,


his brothers, his special Friendship with Br. Robert Francis and his family, Br. Paul-Allan, and of  Course Gorge and Maryann to name a few.


What grace you shared with Each other in time.  A blessing not only for Germain but for the Gospel of all of your lives. The words Do not be


afraid; Peace be with You are spoken no less than 365 times in the Scripture . Today I am Certain Germain is saying Do not let your hearts


be troubled but trust In God-Peace be with you! The Great John Paul II says it best when he wrote: I believe what we will


Be asked at the end of our lifetime by the Lord is what did you do with The talents I gave you? I am certain he has already said to Germain:


Well Done Good and Faithful servant, Come into your father’s presence For eternity.


Pax et Bonum to you all, Love Germain!

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